Cloverdale Town Council – Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, May 11, 2021
Download Memorandum of Executive Session
The Cloverdale Town Council met in Regular Session at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, May 11, 2021 in the Town Hall; 154 S. Main Street; Cloverdale, IN 46120.
CALL TO ORDER: President Rick Dearwester called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m.
PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL: Present on Roll Call were Councilmembers Larry Fidler, Gary Bennington, Greg Jay, Cindy Holland, and Rick Dearwester. Also present were Town Marshal Steve Hibler, Town Manager Jason Hartman, Town Attorney Richard Shagley and Clerk Treasurer Kelly Maners.
ADDITION OR DELETION TO AGENDA: It was requested that Fire Contract, Public Safety Fund and Stardust Hills HOA be removed from the agenda. Councilmember Fidler motioned to approve the agenda with the changes. Councilmember Bennington seconded. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- Regular Meeting Minutes April 13, 2021
Councilmember Holland motioned to approve. Councilmember Bennington seconded. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
General: $169,439.48 Motion: Councilmember Holland 2nd: Councilmember Bennington
Water: $47,806.34 Motion: Councilmember Bennington 2nd: Councilmember Holland
Wastewater: $79,131.15 Motion: Councilmember Fidler 2nd: Councilmember Holland
Payroll: $52,164.78 Motion: Councilmember Fidler 2nd: Councilmember Bennington
All motions were carried by unanimous vote.
TOWN MARSHAL: Marshal Hibler gave a monthly report on the activities of the Police Department. He also brought up to council that the K-9 vehicle is showing wear and he would like to look for a used replacement. Council will wait for the Clerk to prepare some financial information.
FIRE CHIEF: Fire Chief was not present
- BULK WATER STATION: The bulk water station works on prepaid cards. We are out of cards and the company no longer makes them. It was requested we replace the current system with a credit card system. The company will replace the system for approx. $1600. Bulk water rates and how to address the transaction fee were discussed. Councilmember Bennington made a motion to approve the $1600 Credit Card replacement for the bulk water station. It was seconded by Councilmember Fidler. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- FLOOD PLAIN ADMINISTRATOR: We are waiting on information from the County regarding this.
- WHISPERING WINDS INFRASTRUCTURE: The Subdivision is almost complete, and it was requested that the Town take over the Infrastructure. The Town has inspected it and it is acceptable. Councilmember Fidler made a motion “to accept the Resolution accepting Whispering Winds Subdivision”. It was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- LINCOLN AVE UPDATE: Storm water project to start next week.
- BZA/PLANNING, STORM WATER BOARD AND REDEVELOPMENT: Issues are coming up that will need to go before each of these boards soon.
- IDEM INSPECTION: IDEM came out to inspect. They require us to make the updates we had previously agreed to. This was just a warning; no fines were issued. It was recommended we go ahead and get a Preliminary Engineering Report, as this is the first step in fixing the sewer issues and being ready for any grants or federal money that might be available to help fund these projects. It was suggested an engineering report is an acceptable use of the ARP stimulus money. It was decided to have a Special Meeting Thursday, May 20th at 6:30 to hear from a few different engineering firms. The Clerk will give notice of the special meeting and the Town Manager will invite some Engineering firms.
- BACKHOE/BOBCAT REPAIR: It was noted the equipment was repaired and the final cost was a little under the initial quote approved by Council.
- REVENUE REPORTS: Revenue Reports were presented to Council.
- APPROPRIATION REPORT: An appropriation report was presented to Council.
- WATER AND SEWER BUGDET: A monthly detailed report on the Water and Wastewater Enterprises was presented to Council. It is planned to give these reports to Council monthly, so everyone is aware of the financial standing of these departments.
PLANNING/BZA: There were no BZA or Planning meetings this month.
PARK BOARD: There was no one present from the park board. It was noted that the storybook walk and a program to remove non-native plants would be coming soon. It was also noted the restrooms were open.
TOWN HALL SECURITY SYSTEM: It was noted the old security system at the Town Hall is no longer working. Discussion ensued. Marshal Hibler will give input about what is needed. This was tabled until next month.
OFF ROAD VEHICLE/GOLF CART ORDINANCE: It was noted Cloverdale does not currently have an ordinance in place to regulate off road vehicles. Ordinance 2021-3 was introduced to Council. Mr. Gedert raised some concerns about restrictions on golf carts in Stardust Hills. Marshal Hibler addressed these concerns. Town Manager Hartman will get a copy of the Ordinance to Council for review.
- INSURANCE AGENT: Council chose an insurance agent to handle the Town’s health benefits. Councilmember Fidler made a motion to “use Andrew O’Hair as our insurance agent” and it was seconded by Councilmember Bennington. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- TOWN EQUIPMENT SELL/TRADE IN: Councilmember Bennington made a motion “to ask Jeff Rich to auction off the equipment” and it was seconded by Councilmember Holland. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- BLUESIDE WAY SEWER PROJECT: The contract has been signed. Some equipment has been ordered. The project is moving forward.
- OLD WATER TOWER SITE: Attorney Shagley is still working on this.
- ZONING: Before we enter into an agreement with the county to administer our zoning, it is recommended we clean up our zoning ordinance, bringing it up to date. A contract was presented from Civic Blueprint to update our ordinance. The funds would come from the BZA, Planning and General Professional Services. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Fidler made a motion “to approve Civic.” It was seconded by Councilmember Bennington. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- RADIO TOWER: After consulting with Richard Saucerman, it was decided we should keep this, as it might be useful in the future with water meter reading.
QUESTIONS FROM AUDIENCE: Don Gedert inquired about the cost to move a fire hydrant at Cool Evening Road and Cool Evening Court. Town Manager Hartman will find out and get back to him. He also inquired about the schedule for paving roads, stating some of the roads in Stardust Hills need repairs. Discussion ensued on the best way to fix these roads in the interim and future repaving. Town Manager Hartman will get some prices on resurfacing and repairing the roads. Lastly, he pointed out to Council the State road work that was being done just north of I-70. He admonished the Town to be ready with our utility lines in place, to put us in a position for growth.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Council President Dearwester at 8:59 pm.
Rick Dearwester, Town Council President
Kelly Maners, Clerk Treasurer