Park Survey
We would like to have your feedback!Please visit and complete the attached survey to give us your thoughts on what you would like to see in park improvements in our area over the next five years. Take the Survey
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We would like to have your feedback!Please visit and complete the attached survey to give us your thoughts on what you would like to see in park improvements in our area over the next five years. Take the Survey
The November Town Council meeting has changed from November 9th to November 16th. For full list of 2021 Town Council Meetings, please click here.
Download PDFORD 2021-4 Establishing Bulk Water RatesORD 2021-6 Backflow Valve Cost to Purchase
Cloverdale High School will be hosting its annual Community Service-Learning Project on October 22, 2021.Students from Cloverdale High School will be going out into the community to lend a helping hand to those who need it! Cloverdale High School has…
To learn more about the Golf Cart Ordinance, download the latest PDF.
Download PDFThe Cloverdale Town Council met in Special Session at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 2021 in the Town Hall; 154 S. Main Street; Cloverdale, IN 46120.CALL TO ORDER: President Rick Dearwester called the meeting to order at 6:30…