Cloverdale Town Council – Regular Meeting Minutes – Tuesday, January 12, 2021
The Cloverdale Town Council met in Regular Session at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 12, 2021 in the Town Hall; 154 S. Main Street; Cloverdale, IN 46120.
CALL TO ORDER: President Larry Fidler called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
PLEDGE TO THE FLAG: The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
ROLL CALL: Present on Roll Call were Councilmembers Larry Fidler, Greg Jay, Gary Bennington, Cindy Holland, and Rick Dearwester. Also present were Town Marshall Steve Hibler, Town Attorney Richard Shagley and Clerk Treasurer Kelly Maners.
President Fidler announced this was our first meeting with new microphones. He requested that audience members come up to the podium when they speak.
OFFICERS FOR 2021: Nominations for President were called for. Councilmember Bennington nominated Rick Dearwester. Councilmember Jay nominated Larry Fidler. Councilmember Bennington made “a motion to close nominations” and it was seconded by Coucilmember Jay. The vote was 4-1 in favor of Rick Dearwester, with Coucilmember Jay being the vote for Larry Fidler.
Nominations for Vice President were called for. Coucilmember Dearwester nominated Gary Bennington. No other nominations were submitted. Coucilmember Dearwester made “a motion to close nominations.” No vote was needed. Newly appointed President Dearwester took over the meeting.
ADDITION OR DELETION TO AGENDA: No changes were made to the agenda.
- Regular Meeting Minutes December 8, 2020
Councilmember Bennington motioned to approve. Councilmember Holland seconded. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
- Executive Session Memorandum December 15, 2020
Councilmember Fidler motioned to approve. Councilmember Jay seconded. The motion carried 4-0, with Councilmember Holland abstaining.
- Special Meeting Minutes December 29, 2020
Councilmember Holland motioned to approve. Councilmember Fidler seconded. The motion carried by unanimous vote.
DECEMBER 9-31, 2020
General: $186,331.55 Motion: Councilmember Jay 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
Water: $50,978.93 Motion: Councilmember Bennington 2nd: Councilmember Holland
Wastewater: $69,494.41 Motion: Councilmember Holland 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
Payroll: $77,960.16 Motion: Councilmember Bennington 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
JANUARY 1-12, 2021
General: $22,951.01 Motion: Councilmember Holland 2nd: Councilmember Fidler
Water: $4,555.99 Motion: Councilmember Fidler 2nd: Councilmember Holland
Wastewater: $288,640.83 Motion: Councilmember Fidler 2nd: Councilmember Jay
All motions were carried by unanimous vote.
TOWN MARSHAL: Marshal Hibler gave a monthly report on the activities of the Police Department, as well as a review of 2020. He also requested approval from council to hire a temporary part time officer. Jeremiah Jackson will fill in for Rick Lambert while he is out on leave for the next 4-6 weeks. The position will be no more than 20 hours a week and will pay $16 an hour. The position will last until Lambert returns. A motion was made by Councilmember Holland to “pay the part time $16 an hour.” It was seconded by Councilmember Fidler. The motion carried by unanimous vote. Marshall Hibler also mentioned the police department was looking for a new K-9.
FIRE CHIEF: Not present
CLERK TREASURER: There was nothing to add at this time.
PLANNING/BZA: There were no BZA or Planning meetings this month.
PARK BOARD: Not present
WATER DEPT: Brad Fulk stood in for Richard Saucerman.
- SODIUM SCALES: It was noted that our sodium system at the water plant is approximately 25 years old. 2 quotes from B.L. Anderson for replacement parts were presented to council. The first was to replace the sodium scales for $2,699. The second was to replace the sodium pump for $4,434. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Fidler made a motion “to go with those two bids.” It was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
- SECURITY SYSTEM: Two quotes were presented to replace the security system at the water plant. Discussion ensued. This topic was tabled until February’s meeting.
- ELEVATED SEWER REPLACEMENT ON BLUE SIDE WAY: Lori Young from Curry and Associates presented a letter with price options for repairing the broken arial sewer lines. The cost of replacing the arial line as is would be approximately $74,000. IDEM strongly discouraged this option. The cost of replacing the current system with a lift station and force main would be approximately $75,625. Discussion ensued. Councilmember Jay said “I’ll motion that we move forward with the pump station grinder.” It was seconded by Councilmember Fidler. The motion was carried 4-1 with Councilmember Bennington being the opposing vote. The next steps are for an Engineering Design Plan to be completed and submitted to IDEM. It would then be sent out to bid.
- DUMPSTER: Two quotes were presented to council to remove special waste at the sewer plant. Jack’s Trash presented a quote for $100 per month, $175 trip charge and $60/ton for the contents. Republic Services quote was for $450 which included 4 tons. An additional charge of $45 per ton over 4 tons would also occur. Discussion ensued. “A motion to go with Republic” was made by Councilmember Fidler and seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion was carried 4-1, with Councilmember Bennington being the opposing vote.
- PUMP FOR LIFT STATION #5: A quote was presented to council to repair/rebuild the grinder pump at the Boone Street lift station. The cost would be $3,044. This needed done last year but was postponed for budget reasons. Discussion ensued. A motion was made by Councilmember Fidler “I make a motion we replace the pump at lift station 5 for $3,044”. It was seconded by Councilmember Bennington. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
- REDEVELOPMENT COMMISSION RESIGNATION: Matt Nichols gave a letter of resignation for the Redevelopment commission. No replacements stepped forward. It was noted that we should make known on our website and through social media that the town is looking for people to serve on the Redevelopment board as well as some other town boards. We would ask any interested persons to send a resume to the Town Hall.
- K-9 OFFICER-MAGGIE: The Town had entered into an agreement with Levi App when he was employed by the Cloverdale Police Department. The agreement allowed the Town to purchase Maggie as a K-9 officer from App for $1, with App being the handler. As App is no longer with the Cloverdale Police Department, an agreement was submitted to council allowing App to purchase Maggie back from the Town for $1. A motion was made by Councilmember Bennington and was seconded by Councilmember Holland. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
- SERVER/COMPUTER SERVER: Attorney Shagley is still working out details with EAS.
- UMAC CONTRACT: A contract renewal was submitted. This is a one-year contract. The new contract has a slight cost increase. The new monthly amount would be $3,785.25. Discussion ensued. A motion was made by Councilmember Fidler to renew our contract with UMAC and was seconded by Councilmember Jay. The motion was carried by unanimous vote.
- COMMONWEALTH-ENGINEERING STUDY: It was understood that the Town did not have the funds right now to do an engineering study. Thrive West Central presented information on obtaining planning grants to help pay for the study. Discussion ensued. It was noted that these opportunities for planning grants occur quarterly.
- TOWN MANAGER: The selection committee has narrowed down the applicants to seven. They asked for an executive session for the council to review the applicants. An executive session was set for Tuesday, January 19th at 6 pm.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by Council President Dearwester at 8:19 pm.
Rick Dearwester, Town Council President
Kelly Maners, Clerk Treasurer