I understand that by submitting this form for a potential position with the Cloverdale Police Department, all information provided is subject to verification.
Position you are applying for:
Personal Information
Physical Address
Contact Information
Please review carefully and correct your e-mail address, if needed. Failure to do so may result in a lost opportunity.
Must be a United States Citizen
Must be at least 21 years of age on or before the applicant’s start date
Must meet a minimum vision standard (corrected or uncorrected) of 20/50 acuity in each eye and 20/50 binocular acuity in both eyes
Must not have a recorded felony conviction
Must be legally allowed to carry a firearm
Must have earned a high school diploma or GED
Must be legally allowed to work in the United States
Must meet residency requirement, as agreed upon in pre-employment negotiations, if applying for a full/part-time position of employment
Emergency Contact Information
Background Information
By placing my name in the box below, I swear or affirm under the penalty of perjury, all information contained in this pre-qualification is true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand any false information provided may cause me to be removed from further consideration for a position with the Cloverdale Police Department.
Please attach a completed resume with the following information:
Name (last, first, MI)
Address of current domicile
Home/Cell Phone
Email (you wish to receive potential correspondence, if applicable)
Employment History (Last 4 employers - include job position, responsibilities, job skills, start and end dates, reason for leaving, supervisor’s contact)
Education (High School and vocational, college (if applicable), and graduation dates)
Note any formal training or certifications
Note any special skill sets (e.g., bilingual, computer proficiency, etc.)
State/Country licensed to drive in (must be current and valid)
Any additional information relevant to your qualifications as a police officer